My personal annotation method is as follows: Firstly, any extraneous information I may need to know such as the author’s background, the background on the medium on which the literature is on, or the suspected target audience is researched. When going through the literature there are multiple essential aspects. Key concepts within the piece or key terms that play a big part within the piece are always highlighted an orange color. The quotes that they use within the piece are highlighted in a standard yellow color. If they see the need to quote another for evidence it is most likely important. Claims and their largest evidence/facts points are underlined so I know what I can go back to read for a synopsis or as possible quotes to use in my own writing. Any opinion that is personally found outlandish or completely not understandable is questioned in the margins. These can be used as points to argue in my writing. Any opinion that I find agreeable or even remotely understandable is remarked upon and still questioned. These can be used as possible points to argue with and easy quotable areas and the questioning what you believe leaves you open to changing for the better and gives your paper more readability for those who think against your ways.