I can tell you when I see something beautiful, I don’t know if I can really use words to describe what I find beautiful. Thinking back into my own experiences, I could say general things such as nature (trees, animals, bodies of water), music (anything from Camille de Saint Saens to Tyler the Creator to Queen), moments that matter in my life, or my significant other. None of those things really have a unifying descriptor for the exception of beautiful to me.
There is a proverb, Greek in origin, that fits my thought on the whole matter very well, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So I do not think I can say I can generalize a group’s view of beauty. Anyone can like anything for any reason and under any circumstance in their life; the same goes for dislikes anyone may have. There has been a large push for the idea of individualism and how everyone is their own person with their own identifiers, feelings, etc. To now suddenly cast an entire group under an umbrella for anything other than what that group is, seems silly. Beauty finds us when it finds us as Armstrong says, “We do not expect to be convinced.”
Great. I will say that Camille de Saint Saens is intense! I’m not familiar with Tyler the Creator to Queen, but after a quick Google search, I’m guessing that he is, as well.
Make sure that you have a firm grasp on how Anderson uses the Greek proverb. Beauty is subjective. So what?